Thursday, July 1, 2010


It started strangely. I dont know why but i developed a strong interest in Octopuses. I dont have it now, but i was pretty crazy about then.
I used to be so interested with octopus that everything related to this mysterious creature catches my full attention. I still remembered that i once hated dolhpins because they feed on small octopuses.
Octopuses are very intelligent. In fact, they are the 4th smartest creature, ranked on a chart planned by Animal Planet. They give both land and aquatic creatures tests for them to complete. For instance, they place the octopus in a mind-boggling maze and at the end of the maze is a crab. Well octopuses love crabs. The octopus, slowly found its way out, crawling out steathily. Once the distance closes up, the octopus straps it's amazing tentacles onto the crab, pulling it to it's mouth. It drills a hole in the crab's shell, followed by spitting poisonous fluid into the crab. The poison acts as a paralyser and it softens the crab's meat. Then, the octopus sucks the meat out of the crab. (kind of sick, but it doesnt eat or chew the crab).

I did not google or yahoo or search any website to complete this. It is totally based on my prior knowledge on this amazing creature :)

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